Sunday, August 17, 2014

I have been so busy that my poor house has been gathering dust. Finally this weekend, I had time to add lights to the witch's herbology room.  I also received a lovely copy of Dollhouse Miniatures which featured my witch's laboratory in the Sept-Oct issue. They were lovely to work with.

As for my current room, which is right next to the lab, I still have LOADS of work to do and many, many little bottles to fill and books to bind.  But here is an update.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying a great summer!


  1. Hello Gayle,
    Congratulations on having your beautiful work published. THe pictures are gorgeous!
    Big hug,

  2. Hi Gayle,
    I LOVE your work. It's so Not the standard stuff I often see if it comes to miniatures in this theme. Keep up the good work. I'm following you!

    1. Thank you so much, Marike! It is very nice to meet you. Thank you for following me, but I am so awful about posting. Once the winter weather hits, I will have a lot more mini-time. Warm regards and thanks again!
