Saturday, August 24, 2013

Help Please

I appreciate the wonderfully talented folks who check out my beginner blog. Now, I would like to ask for your help.  The room I am currently working on belongs to the daughter of the Judge & Gibbet.  She likes to "dabble" in darkness.

Now, imagine that the hutches are hanging from the wall and are filled with jars of organs and other items of interest to the young lady.  There will be a large number of plants and vines, and perhaps a few birds in the vines and lots of random books on herbalism and nature.  The table will be covered with a variety of items as well....potions, plant cuttings and other current projects. (Plus maybe a finger or two)

Now for my problem.  This room will have a nature-like feel, but I am not sure if the wallpaper on the left is too "homey".  I love the print with the small brown birds and I think it would balance with the horror inside the cabinets.  But I also like the plain look of the wallpaper on the right.

Or maybe just stick with weathered white paneling......?

If anyone has an opinion, can you please be honest and let me know what you think?

Thanks for your help, Friends!


  1. The wall paper seems too cheery and looks Christmas-y to my eye. I vote for the paint.

    1. Oh my gosh, the Christmas aspect didn't even occur to me! I am planning a Christmas room way down the road, this might actually work for that. Thanks!

  2. As much as I love wallpaper I think this pattern is a bit too bright for your idea. If you really want that pattern try a tea stained test piece. I have never tried it but I have been thinking about doing it.
    Other wise, I vote for the painted surface.

    1. I need to try the tea stain too, Catherine. I think I will save the birds for a Christmas scene down the road. But I would like to experiment on aging wallpaper some time soon.

  3. Light the paper on fire like she tried to destroy it? Not every new homeowner has funds to change paper if they move into the house with wallpaper already on the walls.

    1. That is true, Sarah! Fire damage is always an idea. Now, why is that line from Pitch Perfect stuck in my head...."I light fires to feel joy." LOL, I think I watched that movie one too many times.

  4. Hello Gayle,
    I prefer the simple paper on the right, however...
    I think the one on the left could look good if it were aged. I have never done this myself, but I think it could look like something that belongs in Sirius Black's house. It has a big potential.
    Big hug,

    1. I have been thinking about what you said, Giac so I am going to be brave and buy the proper tea and try this out. If I don't use the paper in this room, I may use it elsewhere. But you are right, it has potential and I need to be brave enough to do some damage, hahaha! Thanks for the advice.
