Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Construction Complete!
I am happy, (yet sad) to say, I am finally finished with the wee witch house. I still feel the occasional urge to shift things around a bit, but I guess it is time to move on to the next project.
I would like to thank my friend Kiva for creating the phenomenal final touches to the work room. When her witchy eggs arrived in the mail, I am ashamed to say, I squealed out loud. Kiva also created the worms and the stew on the workroom table and the unfinished dinner in the bedroom.
I am so thankful that Danny doesn't complain when I ask him to take photos. He does a much better job than I could ever do. Not only does he have a steadier hand, he has an artist's keen eye.
Last night I started the layout for the pub next door to the witch's house. It will be located on the second story of a stone building. The bottom floor will hold the work room of the proprietor, who uses customers from the pub for his "experiments". Any cool ideas for a trap door out there?